Post Your Group Rides Here
DEMO DAYS - Held once /month in Qualicum, Parksville & Nanaimo. Come see a comfortable way to 'bike.' Bring your questions, talk to the owners & find out if trikes are a better fit for you to ride. From Mid March to October we pick a different location for the Demo Day & you are welcome to have a test sit & maybe a short ride. They are great fun, comfortable, safe & stable. These are not your Senior upright trikes. Some models are for offroad, some are for high speed, some are for cruising the neighbourhood & cross country touring. There are models for the Grandkids, stroke recovery or other rehabilitation & just about everyone in between. For information on the next Demo Day or our Group Rides please bookmark this page or send your email address to [email protected] & we will send you details of the next Demo Day.
Ride Date: Next Demo Day - Mid March
Rain Date: Coming Soon
Start Location: Coming Soon
Arrive Time: 1 pm
Depart Time: 3 pm
IMPORTANT TIPS: Please make sure your trike, tire pressures, batteries, mechanical condition are all checked the day before the ride. Failures & downtime affect everyone riding. Recommend bringing disposable face masks in case of heavy dust on some trails.
If you are the lead rider and arrive at a road or crossing - PLEASE HOLD BACK FROM THE STREET to give the rest of the group time to catch up. This avoids the awkward kindness of drivers thinking they are doing you a favour by stopping in the middle of the road & waving you on to cross and you then have to triple check the blind spots around the stopped vehicle before riding across the road.
Looking for other trike riders in your area?
Have a favourite local route you ride?
Set up your own Group Ride & advertise it for free on Facebook, Trike Adventures & on our email list. Simply send the ride information to - [email protected]
Organized Rides from Trike Adventures will resume in a few months. Please keep organizing your own group whether Up / Mid/ or South Island.
Our Aug 4th. 2021 Ride
One of our overnight trips exploring small towns from Ladysmith, Chemainus, Saltspring Island, Sidney & their history, Taking ferry rides to smaller Gulf Islands, meeting friendly locals & enjoying the views & local food. (OK, it was Mcdonald's) |
Kinsoll Trestle. An old wooden railway bridge that is located in very wild country. No services out this way but a great day trip without any traffic. |
This is home - Parksville BC where we have Palm Trees! No Coconuts but it's almost tropical.
Route #1 - Ladysmith - Chemainus - Ladysmith / 28 kms. / 4.5 hrs. duration. 95% Protected Trail. 5% Minor Traffic This route passes through farmland, forest habitat, small villages, has ocean views & puts you right in the heart of Chemainus. It has world famous murals, interesting shops, unique restaurants, a logging & cultural museum & is a very safe & fun ride. |
Route #2 - Parksville - Qualicum Beach - Parksville /35 kms. / 4.5 hrs. duration. 50% Protected Trail & Bike Lanes. 25% quiet residential streets & 25% slow to moderate traffic. This route takes you on a mixed bag of experiences. We start off on quiet residential roads eventually getting into rural trails that take you through some of the nicest upper class neighbourhoods then eventually put us on remote trails leading to a 50 acre protected forest that you can ride through & see 300 year old trees & a unique eco system on the edge of town. Then we head down hill to the ocean front for a lunch. Spectacular scenery, grab an ice cream or smoothie & enjoy the fresh ocean air. |
Route #3 - Parksville - Beach - Rathtrevor Park / 30 kms. /4 hrs. duration. 40% Forest Trail, 10% shared pathway, 40% quiet residential streets, 5% Short section busy road shoulder.
This route is a nice easy 'teaser' that will open up the world of trike riding to you. It will give you enough exposure to get over your initial nervousness, enough of a ride to take in the scenic beauty of this area, a few mild thrills to enjoy the fun & we even throw in an Offroad Challenge just so you can get your photo taken.
Route #4 - Pizza Crawl / Parksville City / 20 kms. / 4 hrs. duration. 85% City Streets, 15% shared pathways. Late afternoon till approximately 8pm.
This is a mostly flat route that will take us exploring various pizza places in town. We set this up to be a contest judging who makes the best pizza in town. Of course eating pizza often requires drinking & where possible we offer to sample their micro brews. Some places may only have Ice Cream or Cheesecake but we still award them points for their efforts. Who will win the next coveted Trike Adventures Academy Award? Come enjoy the fun & see for yourself why Canadian Beer & Pizza are SO much better than our U.S. counterparts. :)
Route #5 - Parksville - Coombs - Qualicum Circuit Ride / 36 kms. / 4 hrs. duration. / 80% Trail / 10% Busy Road Shoulder / 10% High Speed Downhill. This route is recommended for experienced riders who enjoy going through the twisty bits & hitting high speeds. We start off riding the Coombs Trail from Parksville & then end up hitting the high speed downhill sections going to Oceanside in Qualicum Beach. There we stop for lunch before heading home on a different route back to Parksville. *** Please note: Some riders report hitting speeds of over 60 kms/hr. but YOU ride at your own comfort & safety level. ***
This route is a nice easy 'teaser' that will open up the world of trike riding to you. It will give you enough exposure to get over your initial nervousness, enough of a ride to take in the scenic beauty of this area, a few mild thrills to enjoy the fun & we even throw in an Offroad Challenge just so you can get your photo taken.
Route #4 - Pizza Crawl / Parksville City / 20 kms. / 4 hrs. duration. 85% City Streets, 15% shared pathways. Late afternoon till approximately 8pm.
This is a mostly flat route that will take us exploring various pizza places in town. We set this up to be a contest judging who makes the best pizza in town. Of course eating pizza often requires drinking & where possible we offer to sample their micro brews. Some places may only have Ice Cream or Cheesecake but we still award them points for their efforts. Who will win the next coveted Trike Adventures Academy Award? Come enjoy the fun & see for yourself why Canadian Beer & Pizza are SO much better than our U.S. counterparts. :)
Route #5 - Parksville - Coombs - Qualicum Circuit Ride / 36 kms. / 4 hrs. duration. / 80% Trail / 10% Busy Road Shoulder / 10% High Speed Downhill. This route is recommended for experienced riders who enjoy going through the twisty bits & hitting high speeds. We start off riding the Coombs Trail from Parksville & then end up hitting the high speed downhill sections going to Oceanside in Qualicum Beach. There we stop for lunch before heading home on a different route back to Parksville. *** Please note: Some riders report hitting speeds of over 60 kms/hr. but YOU ride at your own comfort & safety level. ***
Some Photos from our recent Poker Run held between Ladysmith -Chemainus -Ladysmith June 16th-2019 After a short ride on road from the Ladysmith McDonalds we found the access to a 20 km or so Trail that has recently been completed. Even the Trail Gates were not too bad for trikes with only a couple of spots posing a problem for Rick with his Fat Trike. The nice thing about this trail is it includes short downhill sections, sharp turns & a few surprises around each corner or tree stump. Definitely kept you on your toes and was a very nice ride. Most members took part in the Poker Run/Scavenger hunt & Jane ended up with the best Poker Hand & won the prizes. Some people advised me that they found the clues a little obscure while others were easy. We ended up at a nice little restaurant before the return trip back to our cars & the weather was perfect. Special thanks to the Store Owners who were kind enough to take time out of their busy days to act as 'Dealer' for our group & let us pick out our cards. |
A special Thank you to the Local Store Owners that were so kind to act as Dealers & handing out our Poker Hands. - Fredrich's Honey 9736 Chemainus Road / Ace Hardware 9630 Chemainus Rd. / 49th Parallel Grocery 3055 Oak St, / Chemainus Valley Museum 9799 Waterwheel Cres. / Saltspring Soapworks 9748 Willow St. & Bonnie Martin Eats 2877 Mill St. Please pay our Sponsors a visit & tell them how much you appreciate them helping out.